Posted by Neredbojias on 10/12/07 20:33
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 17:39:50 GMT
Tellor scribed:
> Could I use a few minutes from some experts to critique my newest
> site?
> http://www.officialsitebuilder.com/
> On the design only please; do not bury me with insults about the
> objective of the site ;-)
> it's a tool to build websites for free for the beginner user <grin>
Gee, it's too bad you have so many errors because what I see looks good,
and it seems to work good (home page), but that really isn't enough.
Advice: dump the xhtml and use html 4.01 strict.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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