Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/13/07 02:35
Wings wrote:
> "SpaceGirl" <nothespacegirlspam@subhuman.net> wrote in message
> news:5mvk76FfjpchU1@mid.individual.net...
>> Mark Goodge wrote:
>>> On Mon, 08 Oct 2007 09:26:21 -0700, Travis Newbury put finger to
>>> keyboard and typed:
>>>> On Oct 8, 10:56 am, "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4...@centralva.net>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Yes the deziner does not have ultimate control of the styling as with
>>>>> flash, but then a potential customer doesn't have to be driving away
>>>>> because of some poor design decisions made by the said deziner!
>>>> And as time goes on, if that seems to be a problem with this site,
>>>> and they start losing money because of the designer, they will either
>>>> have to change or go out of business. I seriously doubt either will
>>>> happen.
>>> "This site" being http://www.mortgagenews2.com, for the benefit of
>>> anyone jumping into the thread at this point.
>>> Anyway, let's see how popular it is using some common freely-available
>>> metrics:
>>> Google Pagerank: 0
>>> Compete Rank: no data
>>> Alexa Rank: 1,697,203
>>> Netcraft ranking: 5,098,230
>>> Those figures are crap. A personal website might be that low; any
>>> commercial site getting that little traffic is virtually dead.
>>> However, that may not matter much if the income stream is good.
>>> To see what they're charging for advertising, I registered with the
>>> site. That was a bit of a problem in itself: despite the fact that I
>>> have a UK keyboard their interface is mapping the keypresses directly
>>> to a US key map and hence when I typed certain characters on my
>>> keyboard something different showed up on the screen.
>> That's kinda weird... Flash doesn't contain any language stuff. I think
>> your machine is buggered, or they really have done something funky inside
>> that SWF (it's not default behavior).
>> I agree with the rest of your comments though, but it's not the way
>> ranking works. It's a combination of inbound links + content. Get enough
>> inbound links, make sure the content is published as an alternative stream
>> (RSS, or an alternative metatag), or provide a text version of the content
>> on the side. Remember earlier I was talking about Flash just being one UI
>> of many applicable to site - well these guys got that wrong in this case.
>>> Incidentally, if you click on any of the news stories on the front
>>> page of that site, what happens is that it opens another website
>>> framed within its own Flash framework. That's usually prohibited by
>>> most website Ts&Cs, and has been held to be a breach of copyright in
>>> previous lawsuits. I wonder if the site's operators have considered
>>> that? Maybe that's why they're happy with an inaccessible design and
>>> low visitor numbers - trying to sneak below the radar of the sites
>>> they're ripping off.
>> Grey area, but I do sort of agree. It's pretty bad practice -- and
>> wouldn't work in any of MY sites... I have breakout code in all my sites
>> to prevent anything we work on being re-framed by a 3rd party.
> I'm not advocating anything here - just want to alleviate my ignorance...
> What's bad about your site being framed in someone else's site? Wouldn't
> that increase your site's exposure? I understand that the other site could
> be making some financial gain from using your site that way, but how does
> that hurt you instead of help you?
You mean using YOUR bandwidth to give someone else credit for YOUR
content is good?
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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