Posted by Jim Moe on 10/13/07 07:23
On 10/12/07 02:45 pm, dorayme wrote:
>> >
>> > Is there a better or "standard" way of dealing with this problem?
>> In <.htaccess> add this type of directive:
>> Redirect permanent /oldpage.php
> Is this the idea that op should go ahead and remove the links and
> tidy all up by collecting all the html target files concerned
> into a folder obsolete/ and making a server side instruction to
> redirect any one of them via an .htaccess file in which each url
> is listed?
He only mentioned "some pages" that he wished to delete. It did not
sound like much and was mainly worried about search engine references.
> I say this to see if you might clarify further with an
> example of more than one url...
I do not see what else might be required. The "redirect" gets the
visitor to the new page, and tells the HTTP client that the link change is
permanent, useful info for search engines.
jmm (hyphen) list (at) sohnen-moe (dot) com
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