Posted by macca on 10/13/07 15:46
>Only 2 hours ago I was trying to spend money on a new electrical from a
>major UK retailer and the site fell over twice (even the main homepage
>died). You could not add items to the basket. Contact form was stuffed
>etc. If you can't reliably use a Microshaft website using a Microshaft
>Browser on a Microshaft OS what can you do?
Talking of this, did anyone else notice that the zend website crashed
the other day also?
>And the way it works isn't worth a damn in the real world. It's fun to
>play with on a test system, but I'd never put it on a production server.
> Too many problems.
I wasnt aware that there were any major issues with Chilli!soft ASP
but I should have guessed things wouldnt be that easy.
Does anyone use ColdFusion anymore? I just did a course on it last
year but I couldnt really get an idea of who was using it. I quite
liked it though.
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