Posted by Harry Bellafonte on 10/14/07 12:27
On 14 okt, 01:50, dorayme <doraymeRidT...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> In article <47113e61$...@news.bluewin.ch>,
> John Hosking <J...@DELETE.Hosking.name.INVALID> wrote:
> > Harry Bellafonte wrote:
> > > On 13 okt, 22:15, John Hosking wrote:
> > For future posts: <http://www.xs4all.nl/~wijnands/nnq/nquote.html>
> Harry, Ben C and JH added further to JL's advice salient to your
> query, the time has now come for a URL if things are not working
> and you have followed advice. Failure to do so - Harry - might
> cause the following frightening thing (towards the end of the
> clip) to happen to you next time you are sitting at a dining
> table:
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joa3WiXDuEg>
> --
> dorayme
Excuse me for not following the rules of this forum. My english is not
that perfect. I did what was told me to do but it did not worked. The
reason I posted more html and css code was in order to let you know
what I have done wrong. But probably that was a bad move looking at
all the reactions that followed my last post.
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