Posted by ELINTPimp on 10/14/07 17:02
On Oct 14, 10:43 am, Summercool <Summercooln...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Oct 13, 7:05 am, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
> > It sounds like you're running with magic_quotes enabled. It's a setting
> > I wish they would have never had, and I recommend you turn it off.
> i checked phpinfo()
> yes, magic_quotes_gpc is on, and it is said that it is the default
> setting.
> magic_quotes_runtime is off by default.
> magic_quotes_sybase is off.
> so shouldn't we work with the default setting? like if i use a
> hosting company like Dreamhost, we can't ask them to turn off just for
> us.
PHP6 will no longer support magic quotes,along with register globals
and "safe mode". Some of these may be enabled by default on some PHP
versions, but you should disable them and not rely on them
whatsoever. Take a look at the link below for these changes as well
as reasons why they are going this way from the PHP hackers
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