Posted by Paul Lautman on 10/15/07 18:25
Steve wrote:
> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> ok, here's the one to get the select:
> (select)\s*?[^n].*?(name)\s*?=\s*?(?:\'|")?([^\3>]*)?\3?\s*?[^>]
> here's the one to break out the inputs and capture each type, name,
> and value:
> (input)\s*?[^n].*?(?:(name|type|value)\s*?=\s*?(?:'|")?([^\2>]*?)\2?(?:\s)?)*?>
Strange, when I tried to find this thread in OE instead of on Google, it was
up before a 2007-06-22 post instead of at the bottom of the list. Wierd.
I have to say that, on the occations when I ask for help on a REGEX and the
answer comes back from someone far more expert than me (doesn't take much),
looking as horrendous as Steve's solution (no offence meant), I feel sort of
vindicated. One always suspects that one's problem should be solvable with a
really short clever bit of regex. One forgets that the really clever stuff
looks like Steve's solution!
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