Posted by Steve on 10/15/07 21:55
"Paul Lautman" <paul.lautman@btinternet.com> wrote in message
> Steve wrote:
>> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
>> ok, here's the one to get the select:
>> (select)\s*?[^n].*?(name)\s*?=\s*?(?:\'|")?([^\3>]*)?\3?\s*?[^>]
>> here's the one to break out the inputs and capture each type, name,
>> and value:
>> (input)\s*?[^n].*?(?:(name|type|value)\s*?=\s*?(?:'|")?([^\2>]*?)\2?(?:\s)?)*?>
> Strange, when I tried to find this thread in OE instead of on Google, it
> was up before a 2007-06-22 post instead of at the bottom of the list.
> Wierd.
> I have to say that, on the occations when I ask for help on a REGEX and
> the answer comes back from someone far more expert than me (doesn't take
> much), looking as horrendous as Steve's solution (no offence meant), I
> feel sort of vindicated. One always suspects that one's problem should be
> solvable with a really short clever bit of regex. One forgets that the
> really clever stuff looks like Steve's solution!
keep in mind, please, that regex is another language in itself and is fully
capable of the same indentation and commenting as any other language. were i
to have known i was going to be graded, i may have done both.
if you are uncomfortable using regex, don't. as for the rest of us who
understand it, it is an irreplaceable tool.
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