Posted by TonyV on 10/16/07 13:51
On Oct 16, 9:46 am, rjames.cla...@gmail.com wrote:
> Back when frames were in vogue, we would set up the navigation or menu
> bar to change the content of the main frame. This had the advantage
> of not requiring the whole page to reload. Just the target frame
> would reload.
> Can this be done in CSS? Every page I see in CSS the nav / menu bar
> causes the entire page to be reloaded. This seems inefficient.
> thanks
I don't thing this can be done just using CSS by itself. Sites that
have parts of pages reloading on demand use AJAX, which uses
javascript to alter elements on the fly.
Also, you might want to also check into the iframe element. It works
just like a frame, but is an element on a page, not a totally separate
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