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Re: Which is best overall? PHP vs ASP(or ASP.NET) vs Python

Posted by mozillalives on 10/17/07 00:42

For developing web applications I would say PHP is the best. I've
tried to find other solutions (from Perl to Python to Ruby, though
never ASP) but nothing matches PHP, especially version 5.

You're right, PHP does have a problem with inconsistent naming.
However, PHP also has, hands down one of the best language
resources on the web. In the process of my investigation of other
languages I haven't found anything comparable to it. Many times I've
had to solve a problem I've never encountered before or in a way I
haven't before, but I was able to thanks to and the great
comments there.

Python is a good language and may be a better choice given the
particular situation, but as far as being a friendlier language than
PHP, I would say definitely not.

Hope that helps


On Oct 12, 3:51 pm, macca <> wrote:
> I know this is a php newsgroup so obviously most people here like
> using php, but I was just wondering what people's opinnions were on
> the most diverse/useful and friendly 'scripting' language was.
> I like php and have made my choice to use it as my main language, only
> the more I look into other languages, the more i see things that I
> like in them that I dont necesarrily see in PHP.
> For example, the more I use php I realize that php has a serious issue
> (in my opinnion anyway) when it comes to nomenclature for it's inbuilt
> functions. There seems to be a quite noticable lack of consistency
> with function families (especially for case/case-insensitive
> versioning).
> Theres also a video on Youtube (
> WXiqrzAf8) by Jacob Kaplan-Moss senior developer of Django that said
> he favoured Python over PHP because it was easier to maintain than
> large PHP applications.
> Ive done a little reading on python myself and it seems packed full of
> goodies and quite powerful and quite easy to pick up. Shame about the
> fear of curly braces though.
> I've also done a bit of python GUI programming and it seems easier to
> me than GUI programming with PHP using PHP-GTK for exampe.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Anyway, that said, I cant see a problem with using them all for what
> they are best at. But you guys must have your own opinnions and I
> wouldnt mind hearing them...
> Regards,
> Paul.
> p.s.
> Please don't let this post become another stupid argument/slagging
> match/name calling thing. Thanks.



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