Posted by Jeremy on 10/17/07 22:51
David Hennessy wrote:
> Jeremy wrote:
>> David Hennessy wrote:
>>> Hi! Is there any way to limit the number of retries when using HTTP
>>> authentication in PHP?
>> Despite what everyone else says, this is possible with PHP (though not
>> with Apache's built-in HTTP authentication, AFAIK).
>> Read this:
>> http://us2.php.net/manual/en/features.http-auth.php
>> The idea is that when the user first tries to access the document, you
>> send an HTTP 401 header. At this point, you can also keep track of
>> this as an "attempt" in whatever fashion you like (local database of
>> IP addresses, for example). Now, each time the user types a new
>> password you'll check it, and if it's wrong you'll send another 401
>> header. Keep track of how many times this happens, and if the number
>> of attempts exceeds your limit, send a 403 (forbidden) instead of a 401.
> Hi Jeremy,
> Do you have a reference or an example to demonstrate this? I've
> extensively consulted the URL you referenced, and don't see anything to
> suggest the functionality you're describing. From my own tests, it
> appears that the authentication challenge pop-up does not return to the
> PHP script until the user either enters a correct password or hits
> "cancel" -- so there's no place to interrupt until the authentication
> bit is done. Am I misunderstanding?
Yes, you are misunderstanding. Every time you enter a password, whether
it's correct or not, it is sent to the PHP script for validation.
Here's some pseudocode, using a session cookie to track number of
retries (which in practice, you probably shouldn't do):
<?php //to make all the longtag pundits happy
// again, you probably shouldn't use a session mechanism
// for counting retries
// the $_SERVER keys for authentication only work under mod_php
// valid_user is a hypothetical function that checks the l/p
// limit to 15 tries
if((++$_SESSION["login_attempts"]) > 15)
header("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden");
// show error document here if you wish
header("HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required");
// if your code makes it here, it should be a valid user
// so output your document.
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