Posted by The Natural Philosopher on 10/22/07 00:07
Gary L. Burnore wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Oct 2007 15:50:03 +0100, The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c>
> wrote:
>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>> The Natural Philosopher wrote:
>>>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>> Security is not about prevention, just like there is no way to
>>>>> prevent someone from breaking into your home. There is no such
>>>>> thing. What it is is about identifying undesired ways of accessing
>>>>> your files and limiting the effect of exposure. It's just like
>>>>> locking your valuables in a bank vault to limit your exposure if
>>>>> someone breaks into your house.
>>>> It may go no further than simply living quietly, so that no one knows
>>>> or cares where you live, and never looking like you have anything
>>>> worth stealing.
>>> Nope. Security by obscurity is no security at all.
>> Oh, indeed it is.
> You can claim that all you want but it's not true. While it is
> incorrect to claim that security is not about prevention, obsecurity
> only fools the entity doing the obscuring into thinking they're
> secure.
Thats why no country has a secrt intelligence service: Does nothing for
> Using your own analogy, if you live quietly and no one knows or cares
> where you live and you look like you have nothing worth stealing, a
> crackhead could still walk into your house and murder your wife and
> kids.
Well n kids, cos I don;t have any, and dot a crackhead, cos there aren't
any for miles ..they'd have to drive at least. And id probably hear them
pull in teh drive..
> Locking your door would be a form of prevention that could easily keep
> it from happening. Will it keep everyone out? No. but it'd keep out
> the crackhead who'd just go to the next house to look for an unlocked
> door. (fyi, using crackhead in rl as compared to a cracker on the
> internet. :) )
Oh, I dont lock my doors that much anyway.
Last time I got burgled they used a jemmy on a window anyway. Locking
the doors just keeps the insurance company happy.
I guess they are just about due out of jail now: they got 8 years for
robbery with violence..Silly idiots hit a house with a mother and child
in it. Instead of just running they felt brave and told her to be quiet
or the kid gets it etc etc. Automatic upgarde from 3 years to 8 years
for that.
They took all the cheap spare camera gear I had lying in a cupboard, and
missed the dirty stained $30 camera bag with $8000 of Nikon gear in it.
I now why they hit me, I even saw the guy casing the joint, tho I can't
prove it.. It was the Jaguar XK8 parked outside that made em do it. I
sold that now.
I got quite a lot of the stuff back as well.
Burglar alarm would have made no difference: police at least 20 miles
way. They left in a hurry when a neighbour saw them moving stuff out.
All the really valuable stuff looked like nothing and was in unusual
places. They missed it all.
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