Posted by Gary Smith on 07/25/05 03:20
Thanks Andras,
Good thought but it didn't do the trick. Any other ideas?
in article D0.5E.33635.BEE24E24@pb1.pair.com, "Andras Kende" at
andras@kende.com wrote on 7/24/05 2:14 PM:
> Aloha,
> Can someone please help. When I look into my compiled_templates folders the
> files only have the compiled headers like so:
> <?php /* Smarty version 2.6.9, created on 2005-07-24 09:41:31
> compiled from header.tpl */ ?>
> None of my template is displayed. The same setup works fine in another vhost
> on this machine. If I turn debug on then I see javascript when viewing the
> page source.
> Here¹s my php file:
> define('SMARTY_DIR', '/usr/share/php/smarty/');
> require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'Smarty.class.php');
> $tpl = new Smarty();
> $tpl->template_dir = '/home/httpd/vhosts/smithskauai.com/templates';
> $tpl->compile_dir =
> '/home/httpd/vhosts/smithskauai.com/compiled_templates';
> $tpl->compile_check = true;
> $tpl->force_compile = true;
> $tpl->debugging = true;
> $tpl->display('header.tpl');
> Thanks for any help.
> Gary
> Gary,
> Try change
> $tpl = new Smarty();
> to
> $tpl = new Smarty;
> Best regards,
> Andras Kende
> http://www.kende.com
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