Posted by Stefan Rybacki on 07/25/05 13:05
Mikro wrote:
> Hi!
> I need to select php files stored on mysql like this:
> p2ring3 =mysql_query("SELECT * FROM info where id_link='$id'");
> while($rida= mysql_fetch_array($p2ring3))
> echo "
> <table border=1 width=100%>
> <tr>
> <td>
> ".$rida["info"]."
> </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> But the result is ".$rida["maakond"]."
> ".$rida["nimi"].", ".$rida["ettevote"]."
> ".$rida["aadress"].", ".$rida["telefon"]."
> ".$rida["email"]." ".$rida["web"]."
> "; } ?>
Do you mean, $rida["info"]=".$rida["..."?
I guess you should really think about your design!
Why don't you write your query like this:
SELECT *,CONCAT(maakond,' ',nimi,', ',ettevote,' ',...) as info FROM info where id_link='$id'
If not there is a function called create_function.
> most be:
> Estonia
> Peeter , Ettevõte
> Street 3, Linn, 5555555
> sample@sample.ee
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