Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/27/07 23:50
Michael Fesser wrote:
> .oO(Jerry Stuckle)
>> Michael Fesser wrote:
>>> .oO(Jerry Stuckle)
>>>> DiAvOl wrote:
>>>>> I am running a stream_select server which actually runs forever
>>>>> (daemon mode) and I worried because the Resource id number is around
>>>>> 29000 so far and I don't know what happens if that number increases
>>>>> forever. Another reason for asking is because maybe someone have read
>>>>> the source code and knows better about it.
>>>> So? Do you think it's going to run for years without a server reboot?
>>> Possible.
>> No, Micha, it isn't in the real world. But maybe it is in your fantasy
>> land.
> Servers _can_ run for years unless there's a hardware failure or a
> kernel update.
That's a BIG UNLESS! How long have you had a server run?
There are always reboots for various reasons. And if the software were
perfect (which it isn't) and there were no hardware failures (which is
impossible), nothing runs FOREVER.
>> Or are you just trolling again?
> I never did.
>> I suspect that's the case.
> Sure you do. I would be really surprised if it would be any different.
> BTW: You still didn't answer my latest questions from the other threads.
Yep, I do.
And no, I tried answering your question once. Maybe if you had half a
brain (which you don't), you would find the answer yourself (which you
>>> Just think of older Windows versions - without reboot they crashed after
>>> 49 days because of an internal integer overflow. But I really think that
>>> the PHP interpreter is capable of handling such things and clever enough
>>> to re-use free resource IDs if necessary.
>> So what if Windows crashed after 49 days? And do you KNOW the PHP
>> interpreter can handle it? Can you point to the code? Or are you just
>> guessing - as usual?
> I was just posting my opinion and you're offending me again without any
> reason. Forgot your pills again?
No, you're arguing from your normal asinine position. We can only hope
that one of these days reality will find you.
>>>> How long has it been running to get to 29K?
>>> I was about to ask a similar question. And even if PHP would just
>>> increase the number - what about the "natural" limits? A 32bit signed
>>> integer is more than 2*10^9, unsigned it's twice as big (I simply assume
>>> PHP doesn't use just 16bit words ...)
>> It was a rhetorical question, Micha. And instead of guessing, why don't
>> you find out? It's not that hard to prove.
> Why should I? I'm not the OP, I don't have that "problem". I just
> pointed out that it might not be a problem at all.
You're the one who brought it up - and "assume" things. Rather than
just "assuming", get the facts.
> But I don't expect that you understand that. Just keep on going
> insulting me, if you have nothing better to do.
> Micha
Oh, I understand that. You throw out unsubstantiated assumptions and
expect everyone else to take it for the truth.
And I know you'll say that I do that, also. But such is not the case -
as I tried to tell you.
Let us know when you have some facts instead of assumptions.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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