Posted by bmichel on 10/28/07 14:11
On Oct 28, 2:15 pm, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
> joanna wrote:
> > On Oct 28, 7:53 am, bmic...@gmail.com wrote:
> >> If I understand your problem correctly; you're having problem
> >> distributing the SQL query on several pages.
> >> By using ORDER BY, you can keep track of what was displayed already.
> >> SELECT ID,Title
> >> FROM table
> >> WHERE Title LIKE '" . $_GET['title'] . "%'
> >> ORDER BY title
> >> LIMIT 0, 100
> >> Depending on how many results you want to display per page (let's say
> >> 100). You can modify the LIMIT. That is for page 1 'LIMIT 0, 100', for
> >> page 2 'LIMIT 100, 200' and so on
> >>>> echo "<td><a href=\"page2.php?title=" .$title. "\"> $title</a></td>
> >> This here looks like a bad design idea. You should instead have a
> >> variable (which you can pass through $_GET), which tells you which
> >> page you're on.
> >> $params = "?title=" . $title . "&page=" . $page;
> >> Hope this helps
> > It kind of helps, the order by is something that was needed. However,
> > maybe I wasn't clear, but I'm having a tough time trying to paginate
> > the rest of the results as in a "next" and "previous" link at the
> > bottom. The results are in the thousands and doing a manual page for
> > each 100 results would be too much.
> No, please reread bmichel's comments. His answer is correct on how you
> should be paginating your results.
> --
> ==================
> Remove the "x" from my email address
> Jerry Stuckle
> JDS Computer Training Corp.
> jstuck...@attglobal.net
> ==================
Here's how your code might look like:
$record_per_page = 100;
$title = $_GET['title'];
$page = $_GET['page']; // first page is 1 or not set, second page is
if(!isset($title)) {
echo 'No Record was Selected';
exit(); // this will stop the execution, modfiy as needed
if (!isset($page)) {
$page = 1;
// Record to look up.
$start_limit = ($page - 1) * $record_per_page;
$end_limit = $page * $record_per_page;
$query = mysql_query("SELECT ID,Title
FROM table WHERE Title LIKE'$title%'
LIMIT $start_limit, $end_limit")
or die(mysql_error());
if( mysql_num_rows($query) == 0) {
echo 'Sorry no records';
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query )) {
$doc_title = htmlspecialchars($row['Title']); // stores the title
of each row.
// I'm not sure what you're doing after that, so I'm leaving that
for you.
// Links for the pagination.
$next_link = "index.php?title=$title&page=" . ($page + 1);
$prev_link = "";
if ($page != 1) {
$prev_link = "index.php?title=$title&page=" . ($page - 1);
Some notes:
Replace 'index.php' by the name of the page the script is executed on.
You might need to do some checking on $next_link also in order not to
get to a page where no results will appear.
exit() here will just stop the execution, so replace it by whatever
you need; or get back to your if - else nested solution.
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