Posted by artev on 10/30/07 16:57
>> I read a solution
>> that use PHP 5 how CGI on Apache port dedicated
> Yes, that would be another solution. I have not tried it, though.
>> so the php4 can it used how module;
> On my server (I'm using XAMPP), PHP is also running as a module, so you can
> have that in addition to the CGI versions. Is it really necessary for you to
> have PHP run as a module?
no; but now I have php4 installed how module and my applications work; so
now I not want change (only because if I have some difficulty I not know if
simple return at previous settings);
also I not know if when one application run on php cgi is possible that
some application not run more (I am not an php expert so not know potential
also I know that moduel is more fast but not know if this is so important
for small applications in localhost;
> [Apache configuration using two different ports]
>> think is onoother good solutions?
> As I said, I have never tried this solution. To me, it seems a bit
> complicated (what if you want more than two PHP versions?), but it really
> depends on your specific needs.
not more than two; only two;
a question when you move an application from php cgi to server you on
server use module ? and you had some problems?
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