Posted by luke on 07/26/05 03:42
Yes .. nice solution. I was thinking mainly about the problem with what do
with with the .txt file once it's been used. But that deletion would be very
nice. Another, slightly shitting way, could be a PHP script activated by a
cron job that purges files older than, say, and hour, that runs once a day
or so. ?
"Michael Phipps" <gravityspike_spamfree_@optusnet.com.au> wrote in message
> "luke" <lduncalfe@eml.nope> wrote in message
> news:XGTEe.3140$PL5.308308@news.xtra.co.nz...
> > This could be a really bad suggestion, but, could your script quickly
> > write
> > the array to a .txt file which is read by the next website.
> That's not a bad idea - and to get around the problem of the wrong data
> going to the wrong viewer, perhaps using a random file name could help?
> has a function for creating a temp filename called "tempnam"
> If the page that generates the img tag is php page that first generates
> data to be ploted, you could make your img tag something like:
> <img src="plot.php?TMPA092e45xf" />
> When plot displays the the file, at the end it could delete the temporary
> file...
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