Posted by Michael Fesser on 11/01/07 00:18
..oO(JamesCX DiPietro)
>Michael Fesser <netizen@gmx.de> wrote:
>> .oO(JamesCX DiPietro)
>>>and are actually more accessible in general than message IDs.
>> Depends on the newsreader.
>What you don't know is that most news servers retain messages for less
>than 6 months.
I know that (we even seem to post on the same server ...)
>Google's web-accessible archive goes back 20 years. There are far more
>users with web access than NNTP access. Even users with NNTP access can
>have trouble even accessing a news: link.
That was not the point. Of course articles expire on newsservers. But
the only thing, that _uniquely_ identifies a posting forever is its
message ID.
While Google Groups is currently the biggest and most important Usenet
archive (R.I.P. DejaNews), it's not the only one. And other archives
don't care about the Google IDs. Google may vanish some day, but the
postings are still there - accessible by their message IDs.
>> Trolls always start flaming when they run out of arguments. You
>Your history of off-topic posting speaks for itself.
To make such a claim you would have to read all of my postings from the
last years. There are more than 12.000 of them ... good luck.
>> This discussion is OT here. It's a long-standing Usenet convention to
>> set a follow-up to a more appropriate group or to private mail if a
>> discussion goes too OT. Only trolls ignore such follow-ups _multiple
>> times_. So you also want to read about netiquette.
>Again, I'm not emailing you. I don't need any more spam.
Then maybe we should move to something like alt.flame?
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