Posted by dorayme on 11/01/07 21:39
In article <4729946b$1_4@news.bluewin.ch>,
Bernhard Sturm <sturmnixspam@datacomm.ch> wrote:
> Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> > Scripsit Bernhard Sturm:
> >
> >> I use FF. Which button would bring me to the top of a page? 'Home'
> >> doesn't work,
> >
> > It works in typical situations. If you have an untypical situation, you
> > should find out what works there - if you think that it is important to
> > be able to get to the start of a page quickly. After all, other sites
> > don't have the same kind of button as yours, and most of them (wisely)
> > don't have any "to top" button.
> It didn't work on your page where you suggest to use the home button:
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www/totop.html
> Does it work with your browser?
> It works for:
> - Safari 3.0.3
> - IE 6.02
> - Opera 9.01
> - Lynx
> But _not_ in FF and of course never on Apple keyboards where the
> 'Home' button is missing.
Many Apple keyboards have the Home key. Also the useful page up
and down keys and the arrows for scrolling. And the Home button
*does* work in FF on a Mac
I used to put in some go to top links in pages about have given
up. A part from the pretty good arguments of JK, one of the
reasons that impressed me that it was a bit hopeless, was that
there is no end to the demands for this sort of thing:
(1) In general, when do you stop duplicating broswer functions
(2) When do you stop putting to top links on one long page. At
the bottom seems a bit miserly, user might well want to go to the
top before getting to the end. So... where? Every possible
screenful? Bah!
But just purely for interest here, a more sensible way perhaps,
if you must have an aid in a very long doc, how about a 100% page
high longitudinal link. A vertical continuous bar that is a
"magic ladder" up to the top. It runs down the whole side of the
page. All sorts of ways to do this...
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