Posted by Bone Ur on 11/03/07 02:50
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 07:03:29
GMT dorayme scribed:
>> > What is the problem with 3 digit specs that you have ever found?
>> I don't like them because they promote sloppy coloring. Standard
>> colors don't have 3 groups of repeated digits; they're more like
>> #808080 or #c0c0c0 or even #d4d0c8. What color is #aa8844?
> well, I have not been following closely the context of all this
> but if it were to promote such a thing then I am sure it would be
> bad and you would be quite right to point this out.
> But the real question is: Does it promote sloppy colouring? The
> answer to this depends on what the "it" in the last question
> refers to: if it refers to a person who mindlessly fixes to use
> *only* 3 numbers always, then yes, you are right. But at the cost
> of strawmaning your target.
> If the "it" refers to someone who sees no point in going #ffffff;
> when they can type #fff; but who has and succumbs to frequent
> desires to use such as #FFDEAD (NavajoWhite), then your case is
> not advanced.
> Perhaps the tendency to short form the colours does invite a lazy
> tendency in some people? But, you, being aware of the problem
> will not succumb. Be a devil and use the short where you can and
> not where you want nicer...
> There is an argument to say you should use the shorter. It is
> this: if you don't you will spend more time typing and reading
> longer code and this will sap energy that could be better devoted
> to choosing really nice colours when it would be appropriate.
> So, in other words, and to sum up, without any empirical evidence
> one way or the other, it is as likely that your colour judgements
> could be impaired by going one way as it is by going the other
> way.
Well, I still don't like it. Besides what I said before, it can be
confusing. Some people may mis-take #bbb as #b0b0b0 instead of #bbbbbb,
and that could cause a lot of bo in the flower shop. I just don't think
such a "shortcut" is worth it for 3 miserable digits.
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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