Posted by Chaddy2222 on 11/04/07 06:25
Haines Brown wrote:
> Chaddy2222 <spamlovermailbox-sicurity@yahoo.com.au> writes:
> > > Tables are the easiest
> > > If you need something simple use tables
> > That's not true. CSS is simple and more powerfull then layout tables.
> > As an example check out this template I made.
> > http://freewebdesign.awardspace.biz/temp/template.html
> While I agree with you that CSS adequately provides for layout, your
> example not impressive.
> On my browsers (galeon, iceweasel), there were anamolies. The left
> panel is shifted down about 0.5em from the right panel. That is, there
> is a yellow space between it and the "header", which the right panel
> lacks. As a result, not only is there a perhaps undesired yellow space
> below the left panel and the footer that is wider than that below the
> right panel.
That's due to the different colour on the body showing through.
> Apparently it is the result of using the KompoZer utility, and it does
> not speak much for it. The stylesheet looks confused (the navbar div
> seems to be within the header div). As a template, should not the
> margins be omitted, or at least set ot defaults?
It was a template I developed for my own sites.
http://freewebdesign.awardspace.biz now is useing it.
It should look a lot better as I changed a lot of things in the CSS.
Regards Chad.
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