Posted by Michael Fesser on 11/04/07 07:49
>This may be true a few years ago, now we have a sort of frameworks,
>cakephp, zend framework etc, Pear is too loosely coupled to be a base
>for a complex project.
>The worst is: most popular packages did not use Pear (smarty,
>phpmailer, etc)
For me the two main reasons why I don't use PEAR are:
1) Most (all?) scripts are written for PHP 4.
2) Many of them are not written as clean as I want them, some even throw
notices on a fully error-aware system (E_ALL|E_STRICT).
I clearly prefer my own scripts with only few exceptions (phpmailer for
example, but even in this case I had to put wrapper classes around it).
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