Posted by yawnmoth on 11/05/07 23:42
On Nov 5, 3:42 pm, "pgt" <pgt...@gmail.not> wrote:
> I need to cease the execution of some code if a couple of conditions are not
> met.
> exit; destroys the rest of my page of course, so I *think* I need some sort
> of "wrapper", perhaps in a control structure?
> The page works flawlessly otherwise (and reporting is set to
> error_reporting(E_ALL); )
> <body>
> <div>
> <?php
> if (error checking here)
> {echo 'error message';}
> elseif (secondary error checking here)
> {echo 'more error messages';}
> // exit; <!--destroys rest of the page, so can't use-->
> ?>
> <?php
> // other stuff
> ?>
> <!-- other html -->
> </div>
> </body>
> I need to NOT execute anything within 'CONTAINER' when the if/elseif
> statements are not met, but I DO need to continue with the html above the
> closing div, so the rest of the page displays normally.
> How to "wrap" this? Or ... ?
if (error checking here)
{echo 'error message';$skip=true;}
elseif (secondary error checking here)
{echo 'more error messages';$skip=true;}
// exit; <!--destroys rest of the page, so can't use-->
if (!$skip){
// other stuff
<!-- other html -->
I think that does what you want? I just added a new variable $skip...
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