Posted by Matthew Weier O'Phinney on 11/13/91 11:22
* Rodolfo Gonzalez Gonzalez <>:
> this could be a silly question. Is there some performance penalty when
> using the <<< operator like this:
> $var =<<<EOP
> add a bunch of text here
> and here
> EOP;
> Just curious.
Try doing some benchmarks using microtime(). My gut reaction is that
there shouldn't be any difference; heredoc syntax is simply another form
of quoting strings.
The other factor to consider is if a few microseconds more of processing
time is worth the extra programming time it takes to get quotes right
(assuming heredoc syntax *does* take longer). I personally prefer
heredocs when using long, multiline strings to using double quotes --
they're easier to maintain.
Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Zend Certified Engineer
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