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Re: ajax and php

Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 11/06/07 11:14

On Tue, 06 Nov 2007 12:14:42 +1030, Michael
<> wrote:

>Check it out

You're top poasting! Wow, how retarded of you! What amazing trick
will you show us next Cap'n Retard?

>I'm Onideus and I'm cool fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck. Did
>they teach you that extensive vocabulary during your college days, or
>did you pick that up living in the street with the homeless?

No I picked it up out of necessity when I started having to deal with
complete fuckin retards like yourself.

>I could be petty and list all the spelling and grammar mistakes you
>managed to put in your post, but I wont waste my time. People make
>mistakes deal with it.

There's a difference between a mistake and outright ignorance. A
"mistake" implies that you were AWARE of the PROPER way and not simply
ignorant of it. The fact that you managed to make the "mistake"
multiple times throughout your post clearly shows you haven't a fuckin
clue. Oh but hey, here's a free one for ya...generally speaking the
only people who mistake "your" with "you're" are high school kids...or
people who dropped out of high school...take yer pick, Kiddo.

>>>> AJAX is just a techno buzz word, it doesn't really have any meaning in
>>>> most conversations (when being used by wannabes and poser class
>>>> dipshits). It's basically a site that relies heavily on javascript,
>>>> XML and CSS and is often dynamic in nature.

>>> AJAX is not a techno 'buzz' word.

>> You really are living in a bubble of stupidity, aren't you?

>>> It is an acronym that stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.

>> When you capitalize makes you look stupid, just so you
>> know. And just because it's an acronym that stands for something
>> doesn't the fuck mean that 90%+ of the retards throwing the word
>> around know fuck all about it, other than it sounds "new" and "edgy"
>> and "the other guys have it".

>Look it up, it is capitalized "JavaScript".

Free cl00, Retard, when you say "JavaScript" you're only talking about
ONE SPECIFIC TYPE of javascript (do note the lack of capitals). When
referring to ALL FORMS of javascript you DO NOT capitalize it, you
fuckin amateur level retard.

> I never claimed that '90%+
>of the retards throwing the word around know f..k all about it'. As
>clearly you thought it was just a buzz word.

Reading comprehension really isn't your strong suit, is it? BTW, why
can't you say the word FUCK, did your parents put a Net Nanny filter
on your lil Dell peecee, or were you just psychologically and
physically BEATEN to feel dirty every time you hear or see the word
FUCK! *shudder* Just sent shivers down yer spine, didn't it?
Probably had flash backs to bars of soap in yer mouth and a leather
belt blistered across yer lil ass, huh?

>>> I would say it is ALWAYS dynamic in
>>> nature, as AJAX would not make sense on a static site.

>> Technically speaking the acronym itself doesn't make much sense
>> period.

>>> An AJAX site does not need to rely heavily on CSS at all.

>> Um, it sort of helps you goober. Let's see, list all the AJAX type
>> sites that you know of that DON'T have any CSS! DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM

>I merely stated that CSS is not required to use AJAX.

And neither is XML needed to make a dynamic site, hence AJAX is as
full of shit as a Christmas turkey.

>>> How ever Web
>>> Developers may choose to assign CSS classes by Javascript,

>> And now you're referring to it as "Javascript"...*sigh*...sign of a
>> clueless fuckin newbie.

>Yes my bad, it should be capitalized having trouble with my shift key
>today, 'JavaScript', happy?

You never stop being retarded, do you?

>>> to achieve a
>>> combination of transition effects, or UI feedback. For example,
>>> highlighting invalid content in a field.

>> You could do it without CSS, that's not the point, the point is that
>> with CSS it's EASIER, hence the reason why it's pretty much ALWAYS
>> used...unless you're just some monumental dumbfuck.

>Do it without CSS...
>document.write('<font color="#ff0000">haha</font>');
>Doesn't really do it now does it?

....doesn't do what? What the fuck are you babbling about now?

>>>> The concept of AJAX was actually ripped off and dumbed down from
>>>> existing concepts, like my "living site" designs (aka God level
>>>> coding). Basically the intent is to make a site that acts like a
>>>> living creature and will react and change depending on user
>>>> interaction. So if you say click on a link it will change the
>>>> existing content within itself, rather than taking you to a different
>>>> page.

>>> Your an idiot.

>> You really shouldn't call other people idiots when you can't even
>> figure out the difference between "your" and "you're" you fuckin
>> idiot.

>Watch out it's the grammar police, with his little siren, and his
>colourful vocabulary.

Don't get all pissy and upset with me, you're the one who made an
idiot of yourself, idiot. I didn't make reality, I just verbally
bitch slapped you with it.

>>> Living Creature?

>> Think slow now, don't hurt yourself.

>Ok, I've thought about it and still all I can come up with is WTF? How
>is your site(s) anything like a living creature?

I have more than one site, Dumbass. And this site is the best example
of God Level coding I have:

Here's teh primary source:

See the idea is to break code up into fragments, like DNA bits and
then you sequence and resequence those "DNA" code bits in order to
change and alter the site. The site is "living" in that it reacts to
what the user does. When a user clicks on a link for example, rather
than taking you to a different page the site changes ITSELF, it REACTS
like a living creature to the stimulus (the user action). The code
form isn't restricted to any particular language, the only
requirements are that the site be dynamic and that you make use of
fragmenting redundant code bits, kind of a higher level form of CSS.

>>> No one ripped you off, no one ripped
>>> anyone off, it has been around for sometime, and is just a term for a
>>> general way of doing something.

>> Look here you n00b ass fuck job, in case it just skipped yer idiot ass
>> the gawd damn Internet has been around for a fuck of a lot longer than
>> yer dumbass has been online (according to Google you just started
>> posting like...last month. And yes, you drooler, dynamic sites
>> existed way, way, WAY the fuck before AJAX was ever coined and pimped
>> out to college flunkie retards like yourself.

>It's your not yer. It's god not gawd. Flunkie?

Look kid, yer slow, so I can see as how you skipped the finer points
of language mechanics, specifically those involving the use of SLANG,
in this particular case USENET SLANG. Words like poast, yer, gawd,
cl00, n00b, etc. Such words are NOT mistakes, they are made
INTENTIONALLY with full knowledge of their history, form and usage.

>Oh the point is, if
>you're going to be a grammar nazi, you should at least check your own
>text before posting.

Pointing out the hypocrisy and irony of your posts isn't being a
grammar Nazi, it's MOCKING YOU, you stupid retard.

>First of all, Usenet is not the internet.

Yes, it is, you fuck job. Usenet is apart of the Internet just as the
World Wide Web, IRC networks, etc are apart of the Internet. You seem
like a Webbie tard though so I can understand your confusion, we
Netters generally don't much like your kind, we were here nearly a
decade before you droolers ever even had the WWW.

>Second of all, indeed the
>Internet has been around before I was online... It had to exist before I
>could use it right, and I never invented it!

Your quibbling over semantics doesn't change the fact that your
dumbass only discovered the online world about a week ago, Downs.

>I never went to college,

It shows.

>but maybe you should.

Been there, done that, but then, it's pretty obvious, what with how I
know the difference between "your" and "you're" and also seeing as how
I understand the difference between a mistake, ignorant stupidity and
generally accepted slang.

>>> BTW, Microsoft invented the
>>> XMLHttpRequest and used it for Outlook Web Access. This is 7 and a bit
>>> years ago. Considering your site was registered 21 May 2003, I fail to
>>> see how you came up with this first.

>> My domain was registered in 2003 you fuck job, a look into my Google
>> history spans back to around 1995 and there are no shortage of
>> websites I made PRIOR to having my own domain (most notably when my
>> sites were hosted via petitmorte). Further, you dipshit, you DON'T
>> need to use XML in order to make a dynamic site (you obviously missed
>> that point in my last post).

>No, but it wouldn't be AJAX without XML :).

As I said, AJAX was ripped off from existing concepts and dumbed down,
restricted to a single language form (XML) and then given a cutesy
little acronym for Webbie tards like yourself to teeth on.

>I don't see any legal identity behind your half assed "web design"

>Sorry, whilst I was researching your previous work, all that come up
>with in Google was how stupid you are... And no thats not a joke... When
>EVERYONE thinks you are retarded, don't you sort of get the feeling they
>might be right?

You're obviously not looking very hard child. It's true that Hatter
Addicts tend to scream loudest, but their obsessive compulsive posting
disorders in no way make up the sum total of the net.populous. You're
also exercising gross ignorance in failing to see the design behind
most of my posts. You must have missed this part of my .sig:

"Is it wrong to incur and then use the hate ridden, vengeful stupidity
of complete strangers in random Usenet froups to further my art?"

Most of my posts are designed to attack people in order to get them to
lash out at my work in the most critical and obsessive way imaginable,
often to the point where they're snitting about pixel level
differences. I then use those overly harsh critiques in order to
further and advance my work. I also use it as a means of gauging the
intelligence of people. For example those who lash out have poor
emotional control, they're unstable and most often drama queens. And
then beyond that I can gauge a posters technical intelligence.
Basically you have those who can actually formulate halfway coherent
critiques of my work and then, in your case, those who can't do much
more than scream, "IT SUCKS!" Those of your class are just drooling
posers lashing out in jealous rage, pissed off that I have skill and
you don't and then having to endure my bragging, arrogant attitude.
It just burns you up inside, huh? `, )

>>> Also, I fail to see how you were planning to do all of this without
>>> Microsoft inventing the technology and Netscape expanding it, and other
>>> browsers incorporating it.

>> The fact that you DON'T NEED XML TO MAKE A DYNAMIC SITE! Yeesh, write
>> it the fuck down if yer having so much trouble you idiot fuck. That
>> was the whole gawd damn shitting POINT of my last post, that AJAX
>> dumbed the fuckin concept down and restricted it to XML when in fact
>> you don't need ANY XML to make a dynamic site.

>If you don't want to use AJAX don't.

Uh, I don't, what the fuck are you talking about?

>Get over it.

You get over it, Shitface. I'll verbally smack around any senseless
bitch ridden techno buzz word stupidity I like, if you got yer panties
all up in a twist about it you got two choices...fuck off...or bitch
about it. As it seems yer goin for the later you best get yerself a
tampon and pop a couple Midol, cause I ain't goin away, Sunshine.

>>>> As I said though, that concept was stolen (and not just from me) and
>>>> then dumbed down to specific languages/forms. The concept was NEVER
>>>> intended to be exclusive to any specific language forms, although most
>>>> early sites in that form used a lot of javascript/CSS/XML. At this
>>>> point, most developers who actually know what the hell it is they're
>>>> doing are using a combination of Flash/CSS/XML and PHP to construct
>>>> their sites.

>>> I repeat, your an idiot, your Flash sites are HORRIBLE.

>> As fuckin stupid as you are it obviously skipped you that there's a
>> whole lot more to my sites than Flash. Most of my newer sites are a
>> combination of Flash, CSS, XML, javascript, vbscript, PHP, etc. Also,
>> it's cute to see you run the fuck at the mouth about *MY* sites when:

>I wonder how well HTML 3.2 supported CSS. I guess not to well
>considering someone is still using <font color="">.

I use what works, Stupid. As fuckin n00b level as you are you're
obviously confusing W3C compliance with cross compatibility. The W3C
only RECOMMENDS standards, they do not SET standards and since NO
browser maker on the planet fully adheres to those RECOMMENDATIONS
they are, at best, completely worthless.

And although some of my code may not look "right" by whatever failure
of a public education system that you were spoon fed from, I can
assure you, it's all intentional and it was all done in order to
achieve the MAXIMUM level of cross browser and cross operating system
compatibility. This is why I'm now using Flash as a primary front end
for all my sites, because as far as cross compatibility there is
nothing better than Flash.

And unlike yer stupid n00b ass, I don't take anything at face value
online, I actually test EVERYTHING myself to make damn sure it works.
Way too often have I found mistakes on sites listing the compatibility
of code properties and such. Often because they don't test on ALL
browser versions, or they ASSume that the rendering engine of a
browser on one OS is the same as on another (especially regarding IE
on the Mac).

>People used Flash in 1996?

Not to the extent that it's being used now, but it was introduced in
1996 and those on the cutting edge of web design certainly played with
it and certainly saw the potential that it had. It's taken nearly a
decade for that potential to be reached, but now that it has...ain't
nothin better. In my opinion it was worth the wait.

>VBScript yuck.

I like how you keep doing that. Rather than giving any specifics
about anything you just generalize all your NONpinions, like "yuck",
"it sucks", "it's bad", "I don't like it", etc, etc. Where as if you
ACTUALLY knew what the fuck you were talking about you would be able
to convey specific things as to why you think it's "yuck" in this
case. Until you can manage to do that your "opinions" are worth about
as much as the toilet paper I wiped my ass with this morning and then
flushed down the crapper.

>You know bout as much as my next door neighbors 12
>year old son.

This from the drooler who can't even manage to make a site of his own.

>> A. you can't even sum up enough intelligence to explain WHAT you
>> supposedly think is horrible about my sites.

>I don't need to, they speak for themselves.

Woo Hoo, it's BINGO TIME!

* puts a tab on "refusal to back up claims". *

I just love this game. ^_^

>> and...
>> B. you're a stupid college flunkie retard who doesn't even HAVE any
>> sites of yer own to provide as a basis of comparison. Face it
>> d00d...yer just some fuckin wannabe, poser class dipshit. You run at
>> the mouth real good, but you ain't got shit to back it up with.

>I work for a professional web development firm. I will choose to protect
>the integrity of the company I work for. I don't feel the need to prove
>myself to you.

Woo Hoo! Got another one!

* puts a tab on "My secret sources I can't talk about say..." *

Free cl00, Dipshit, EVERY web developer has a portfolio of their work
available which IS NOT directly linked to the company they're
currently working for. Not to mention, what the fuck kind of web
designer wouldn't have any personal sites of their own? I mean that'd
akin to being a graphic designer and having no personal art work you
made for yourself. To put it another're a lying Dipshit and
it's REALLY easy to spot.

You have no websites, you have no skill and all the better you can do
is snit and covet OTHER people's work whilst you run the fuck at the
mouth about shit you don't even comprehend. As I said before, you're
nothing but a poser class n00b.job, a web designer wannabe.

>>>> The other problem with AJAX, is that beyond the fact that it's a
>>>> ripped off and watered down concept, it has become a techno-babble
>>>> buzz word, meaning it's often abused and misused by the clueless and
>>>> poser class wannabes of the world. I would estimate that a good 90%+
>>>> of all the people throwing that word around have absolutely no fuckin
>>>> clue at all as to what it even pertains to.

>>> It's easy to determine if something is AJAX or not. I would estimate any
>>> project that claims to use AJAX most likely DOES use AJAX, or
>>> Asynchronous Javascript, or a very similar method.

>> The idiot fuck high school dropout whose obviously never worked a day
>> in the business is trying to make "estimates"...oh that's cute,
>> really. The best way of ACTUALLY determining if a person knows what
>> AJAX means is to find a job listing where it says they're looking for
>> someone "who knows AJAX", then just go to the interview. It won't
>> take too long to poke at them in the right places to see if they even
>> understand the position that they're hiring for (very often they
>> don't).

>Look, am I a high school dropout, or a college school dropout.

....holy shit, he doesn't even know what grade he was in when he
dropped out of school. *shakes head*

>Consistency is the key.

In your case it's consistent failure.

>Was Walmart looking for AJAX?

I don't know, were they?

>>> However, I'd say you
>>> are definitely in the 90% of people who don't know what they are talking
>>> about. You are the biggest troll in this group. Maybe your thinking Web 2.0?

>> You are without a doubt the biggest retard in this group. Let us all
>> know when you figure out the difference between "your" and "you're"
>> you drooling child.

>I bet your 'e-business' makes you so much money, which helps with your
>'e-penis' when you pick up all your 'e-ladies'.

Well the money part for sure, unlike you though I don't have much need
for a virtual dick since I have a real one and since I only prefer
REAL women, who, most often really aren't interested that much in
Internet stuff...well, as far as I know, I don't really go out of my
way to yammer on much about the Internet to people I know in real
life. I assume most of them don't much care and quite frankly I like
it better that way. The Internet was a FAR better place before they
started marketing it to your particular brand of stupidity.


Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹

Hatter Quotes
"You're only one of the best if you're striving to become one of the

"I didn't make reality, Sunshine, I just verbally bitch slapped you
with it."

"I'm not a professional, I'm an artist."

"Your Usenet blinders are my best friend."

"Usenet Filters - Learn to shut yourself the fuck up!"

"Drugs killed Jesus you know...oh wait, no, that was the Jews, my

"There are clingy things in the grass...burrs 'n such...mmmm..."

"The more I learn the more I'm killing my idols."

"Is it wrong to incur and then use the hate ridden, vengeful stupidity
of complete strangers in random Usenet froups to further my art?"

"Freedom is only a concept, like race it's merely a social construct
that doesn't really exist outside of your ability to convince others
of its relevancy."

"Next time slow up a lil, then maybe you won't jump the gun and start
creamin yer panties before it's time to pop the champagne proper."

"Reality is directly proportionate to how creative you are."

"People are pretty fucking high on themselves if they think that
they're just born with a soul. *snicker*...yeah, like they're just
givin em out for free."

"Quible, quible said the Hare. Quite a lot of quibling...everywhere.
So the Hare took a long stare and decided at best, to leave the rest,
to their merry little mess."

"There's a difference between 'bad' and 'so earth shatteringly
horrible it makes the angels scream in terror as they violently rip
their heads off, their blood spraying into the faces of a thousand
sweet innocent horrified children, who will forever have the terrible
images burned into their tiny little minds'."

"How sad that you're such a poor judge of style that you can't even
properly gauge the artistic worth of your own efforts."

"Those who record history are those who control history."

"I am the living embodiment of hell itself in all its tormentive rage,
endless suffering, unfathomable pain and unending horror...but you
don't get sent to me...I come for you."

"Ideally in a fight I'd want a BGM-109A with a W80 250 kiloton
tactical thermonuclear fusion based war head."

"Tell me, would you describe yourself more as a process or a

"Apparently this group has got the market cornered on stupid.
Intelligence is down 137 points across the board and the forecast
indicates an increase in Webtv users."

"Is my .sig delimiter broken? Really? You're sure? Awww,
gee...that's too bad...for YOU!" `, )



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