Posted by Ed Murphy on 11/07/07 10:43
steve wrote:
> A series of articles examining some basic concepts in Sql Server.
> Basic Anatomy of Sql Server, part I
> What is a stored procedure?
> http://beyondsql.blogspot.com/2007/11/basic-anatomy-of-sql-server-part-i.html
> Basic Anatomy of Sql Server, part II
> The unit test as part of the database.
> http://beyondsql.blogspot.com/2007/11/basic-anatomy-of-sql-server-part-ii.html
> Basic Anatomy of Sql Server, part III
> What does deferred name resolution really mean?
> http://beyondsql.blogspot.com/2007/11/basic-anatomy-of-sql-server-part-iii.html
Regarding this specific idea, you could work around this issue by
performing a unit test one level up (writing a bit of stub code if
needed). Yes, it'd be nice to have more support for it in the DB
layer, but that alone doesn't justify the (apparent) huge migration
cost for the large number of existing systems out there. (I asked
you about this before, got no response.)
Regarding your general project, I was going to ask about LINQ (which
will presumably have the huge advantage of ubiquity due to being an
Official Microsoft Thingy), but I see you've already dismissed it at
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