Posted by Bone Ur on 11/08/07 08:41
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 07:07:53
GMT dorayme scribed:
>> > I believe that this is the minimum amount of markup necessary to
>> > achieve this effect :) Would love to be proven wrong.
>> >
>> >
>> Is the effect worth the internal complexity?
> Depends on how you count it. It only has to be done once by the
> author, and from then on it can give multiple pleasure. On
> principle, this may well be worth it.
That line never works on dates.
>> Forcing markup like this:
>> <div class="hr"><div><div><hr></div></div></div>
>> is just unsemantic, even though it is technically valid.
> This is yet another issue. But, given that there are limitations
> in browser implementations of some css where this sort of thing
> can be more easily done in a kosher manner, it is very severe to
> never fall to temptation. Perhaps it is an area where a little
> individual choice might be allowable.
Despite your rationalization, the least css is the best css. I believe
GTalbot has already resolved the original issue, but Nik is no dummy so the
real problem is the complexity of the styling.
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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