Posted by Rik Wasmus on 11/09/07 10:16
On Fri, 09 Nov 2007 11:06:21 +0100, damezumari <jannordgreen@gmail.com>
>> Using XHTML in WWW context is an overplay.
> What is "WWW context"?
> When is XTHML doc type used?
In environments you can be sure the UA can cope with real XHTML, so no
MSIE6 (haven't checked MSIE7's coping with text/xhtml+xml yet). That would
be limited to intranets and/or specialised sites able to require
particular UA's from their users in a limited access site (user
credentials are checked, with username/password, known static IP, or any
other means).
The only time I apply pseudo XHTML for the WWW is when a client wants to
incorporate Google maps with directions, which pretends to require XHTML.
Rik Wasmus
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