Posted by Sanders Kaufman on 11/09/07 17:11
"Captain Paralytic" <paul_lautman@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> On 8 Nov, 20:41, "Sanders Kaufman" <bu...@kaufman.net> wrote:
>> Learning Joomla - you open the door to beating out far more experienced,
>> far
>> more knowledgable people than yourself.
> Hey, most of my income is from building custom components for Mambo/
> Joomla. The last thing I want is competition ;-)
> But seriously. I am so busy, I'd love to find other Joomla literate
> folks that I could trust to sub-contract to!
Hmmmm - maybe I should take my own advice, eh?
You trust me?
Most of my work is with political folks, but since the election was last
week, I'm bored and hungry - and wasting a lot of time in newsgroups.
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