Posted by Adrienne Boswell on 11/13/07 15:26
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "Nik Coughlin"
<nrkn.com@gmail.com> writing in news:fhb0ee$pfj$1@aioe.org:
> Been playing with multiple backgrounds.
> You'll need Safari (Konquerer works too AFAIK but I haven't tested it)
> to actually see this:
> http://nrkn.com/temp/cssTabs/centerFloatlistCss3.html
> Such a nice, easy way to skin things.
> Pity it won't work for 95% or more of the browser install base :(
> Oh well, back to nesting divs to achieve multiple backgrounds, sigh.
Nice ... Santa, could we please have more support for CSS3?
Adrienne Boswell at Home
Arbpen Web Site Design Services
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