Posted by Michael Fesser on 11/14/07 18:08
>- scripting language. The source code gets read and interpreted every
>time a page hit occurs, unless you are using a precompiler, but then
>the host server must have a special Apache extension to run it.
There are also several PECL extension for PHP to cache the compiled
bytecode (PHP code is compiled first and then interpreted by the ZE).
One of these caches (APC) will most likely be part of PHP 6.
>- becuase of the above it is expensive to use a lot of constants, so
>you end up with a lot of magic numbers
Huh? I use hundreds of global and class constants. This is definitely
not a performance hit, there are "better" ways to waste CPU time.
>- by design, presentation code is mixed with business logic
Such mixing is possible in other languages as well. And it's always the
developer who decides if he wants to make use of it or not. Of course
you can also properly separate business from presentation logic.
>- great for small projects
Also great for bigger projects. Of course like in all languages you have
to know what you're doing and know the tools you're using.
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