Posted by KDawg44 on 11/14/07 18:09
On Nov 14, 12:56 pm, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
> flarosa wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm wondering if I can get a reasonably civil (without starting any
> > huge wars) opinion on how server-side PHP compares to server-side
> > Java.
> > I've been strictly a Java developer for almost 10 years now, and I'm
> > pretty happy with it. However, I can't help but notice that there are
> > a significant amount of PHP-based development projects where I live,
> > and I've also noticed when searching around the internet for ready-
> > made web applications that a lot of them are in PHP.
> > As an object-oriented programmer I've always assumed PHP was more of a
> > scripting language for doing things on individual web pages or writing
> > small applications and that Java/J2EE was better positioned for
> > writing large applications, but maybe that's no longer true.
> > Let me know what you think. Thanks.
> > Frank
> Frank,
> PHP is more popular because it's supported by all the web servers. When
> PHP first came out, for instance, Apache and IIS didn't support Java
> well on the server side (don't know what it's like now). Plus is is
> fast and has a smaller memory footprint than Java, which made it better
> for shared hosting companies. The result is that a lot of hosting
> companies offered PHP really cheap - but Java support was comparatively
> lacking and more expensive.
> PHP is getting more object oriented. It still has a ways to go - Java
> is much better in that respect. But PHP is getting there, a little at a
> time.
> Now when you're talking larger applications, I agree Java is a better
> language, especially when you're talking GUIs. There is a GUI available
> for PHP, but it is sadly lacking in functionality compared to Java. And
> Java's event model makes some things much easier than in PHP (which
> doesn't have an equivalent).
> --
> ==================
> Remove the "x" from my email address
> Jerry Stuckle
> JDS Computer Training Corp.
> jstuck...@attglobal.net
> ==================
This is an interesting discussion. I have used Java but never used it
for a web application. Can anyone point me to a good place to learn
how to use this? Is this using JSP and servlets or is this something
I am starting work on a project and I was going to do it with PHP,
MySQL, and some AJAX stuff. I considered doing it in Java but my
timetable is pretty short and front end GUI stuff in Java is a
nightmare to me (not good at it, not bashing Java). So with my short
time frame, I figured that a web based application would be the best
way where I can quickly build the interface. My application is not
huge, probably 50-75 hours for me to do.
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