Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/14/07 20:46
Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> dorayme wrote:
>> In article <5q127qFtheddU1@mid.individual.net>,
>> "paul watt" <paul@NOSPAMpaulwatt.info> wrote:
>>> Chad, just killfile this muppet, hes not worth your time
>>> --
>>> Paul Watt
>> Chad, I kf'd this creep ages ago; so he must be *real* bad... <g>. So
>> follow the advice rf and paul are giving you.
>> (just btw, Chad, I always read our posts with an especially acute ear
>> for anything to do with accessibility, All such things are greatly
>> appreciated. You should do more of it! And also btw, I had a blind
>> student once who was the most brilliant of all the students in that
>> particular year and went on to hold down big jobs and contribute in
>> big ways to community life in NSW. And a former partner of mine used
>> to work for the Royal Blind Society and it is an organization much to
>> be respected. I can barely stand hearing that web1000 creep talking to
>> you like this!)
I probably shouldn't add that we got a good laugh out of it. But I will
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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