Posted by 1001 Webs on 11/14/07 21:47
On Nov 14, 9:41 pm, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
> dorayme wrote:
> > In article <5q127qFthed...@mid.individual.net>,
> > "paul watt" <p...@NOSPAMpaulwatt.info> wrote:
> >> Chad, just killfile this muppet, hes not worth your time
> >> --
> >> Paul Watt
> > Chad, I kf'd this creep ages ago; so he must be *real* bad...
> > <g>. So follow the advice rf and paul are giving you.
> > (just btw, Chad, I always read our posts with an especially acute
> > ear for anything to do with accessibility, All such things are
> > greatly appreciated. You should do more of it! And also btw, I
> > had a blind student once who was the most brilliant of all the
> > students in that particular year and went on to hold down big
> > jobs and contribute in big ways to community life in NSW. And a
> > former partner of mine used to work for the Royal Blind Society
> > and it is an organization much to be respected. I can barely
> > stand hearing that web1000 creep talking to you like this!)
> Oh, he's even worse than you think. How about this email he sent to one
> of the organizations I belong to...
> I think you should know that your member Jerry Stuckle who advertises as
> the MD of JDS Computer Training Corp. at your page:http://www.icca.org/member/memberpage.asp?id=400is not telling the
> truth. There's no such corporation. The JDS Computer company that
> existed was forfeited in 1996. The other company that Jerry Stuckle is
> principal of is Smartech, which has been forfeited last year by the
> Maryland Taxpayer Services Division:http://www.maryland.gov/click on
> Business Database Searches:http://sdatcert3.resiusa.org/UCC-Charter/default.aspx
> Of course, the first thing they did was call me and ask me who was this
> guy. I just explained he's a sociopath who seems obsessed with me.
> They know the status of my businesses. And they know where both
> corporations are registered :-)
> He really is a sad case. I hope he gets help soon.
I'll hit you back soon Jerry.
I know you miss me, but please be patient.
All in due time.
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