Posted by 1001 Webs on 11/14/07 22:42
On Nov 14, 9:17 pm, dorayme <doraymeRidT...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> In article <5q127qFthed...@mid.individual.net>,
> "paul watt" <p...@NOSPAMpaulwatt.info> wrote:
> > Chad, just killfile this muppet, hes not worth your time
> > --
> > Paul Watt
> Chad, I kf'd this creep ages ago; so he must be *real* bad...
> <g>. So follow the advice rf and paul are giving you.
> (just btw, Chad, I always read our posts with an especially acute
> ear for anything to do with accessibility,
I quote the following paragraph, so dorayme doesn't make another
regrettable diagnostic concerning Chad:
"not only is he a stupid git that does not know when decent advice is
biteing him on the arse!
He clearly has trouble reading as well!. "
The line above is a hyperlink, dorayme.
If you click on it, you will get teleported to the offending page ...
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