Posted by nolo contendere on 11/15/07 14:12
On Nov 15, 5:44 am, "CJS" <a...@anon.com> wrote:
> "nolo contendere" <simon.c...@fmr.com> wrote in message
> news:1195066138.248524.40570@50g2000hsm.googlegroups.com...
> > On Nov 14, 2:33 pm, "CJS" <a...@anon.com> wrote:
> >> Hi, I have a javascript popup which I want to happen BEFORE the rest of
> >> the
> >> page loads. It's something for people to read while quite a heavy page
> >> loads behind it.
> >> I tried using 'onbeforeload' instead of 'onload' in the Body tag, but it
> >> doesn't pop up at all then.
> > I didn't see such an event. But what are you trying to accomplish?
> > Perhaps there is a way to do what you require via another path.
> Simply what I want to accomplish is the popup to come up *first* befoer any
> other page elements load. It is complicated as to why, and other factors,
> but that is what needs to happen.
> The onload tag seems to open happen after the page has finished loading
> completely, which is odd.
Hmm, a friend of mine uses the technique I mentioned and it works
fine. Have you tried the <div> swapping thing? It is precisely
*because* the onload happens *after* the page has loaded that you can
use that as the event to trigger the <div> display swap.
And while the page is in the process of loading, the onload event has
not fired yet, but the loader div is being displayed. I realize that
this doesn't give you the popup you requested, but it serves as a
solution to your ultimate goal of providing the user with feedback
that a heavy page is loading.
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