Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 11/15/07 15:06
Nick wrote:
> "Beauregard T. Shagnasty" wrote:
>> Nick wrote:
>>> I've also made the font-size larger, but not 1em / 100%, as the
>>> font- size seems to big to me when I've done that.
>> Then you need to adjust your *own* browser's default size.
>> Use body { font-size: 100%; }
>> and then make minor adjustments for headings and legalese. Leave all
>> the other font-sizing out.http://k75s.home.att.net/fontsize.html
> Sure, I'll have a go at that later.
Why not do it now, so you don't have to go farking about with it after
you fix the rest, and find out you have to alter sizing once again?
> But have you got any ideas about the other problem?
1. I would not use explicitly sized columns. "Categories" would
float right. "About Us" would float left. "Suggested Product"
would take the remainder of whatever the browser window was
opened to (size).
2. I would scrap this image:
in favor of just the center portion of it, and center it
in a banner, with the leaves as a background image,
repeated horizontally. Hints on centering banner:
3. I would use HTML 4.01 Strict, instead of Transitional. These are
new pages, and you aren't 'transitioning' from any legacy pages.
4. I would continually check the validators and correct errors.
-Motorcycles defy gravity; cars just suck
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