Posted by Bone Ur on 11/17/07 20:40
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 19:41:04
GMT a-ok-site scribed:
>> > DOH.....first post link was cut off....grrrr
>> Don't worry, you already ridiculed yourself in public. No wonder you
>> write anonymously.
>> --
>> Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/
> People like you are why I hate groups.
Even The Doobie Brothers?
> Just because something else
> was going on and I was not paying attention DOES NOT MEAN I RIDICULED
> MYSELF: however, you did! About the anonymous crap, I am one of the
> few that actually has a real profile. Do you....
Probably when he turns sideways to the light source....
> From the way people
> have acted since I joined this group, and not just towards me, I can
> live without it.
Whinny kids do not exactly enhance my living experience, either.
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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