Posted by The Magpie on 11/20/07 12:54
Randy Webb wrote:
> The Magpie said the following on 11/19/2007 1:38 PM:
>> Jeff North wrote:
>>> Don't use XHTML - http://hixie.ch/advocacy/xhtml
>>> That would solve some of the problems.
>> Personally, I prefer XHTML 1.0 over HTML 4.x because it is much easier
>> to ensure it is error-free. But that's a personal choice.
> <sarcasm>
> I agree. The support in IE (The most predominant browser on the web)
> makes it so safe for the web.
> <sarcasm>
Yeah, granted. Microsoft have never been that great and they still
have problems with XHTML sometimes. Not as much as they do with CSS
perhaps, but plenty enough.
On the bright side, use of IE is falling through the floor as use of
compliant browsers such as Firefox (37% of browsers, as of September
this year) increase.
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