Posted by Bone Ur on 11/20/07 20:09
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 18:51:12
GMT John Salerno scribed:
>> Saw this in source:
>> <!-- ValueClick Media POP-UNDER CODE v1.8 for prophp.org (4
>> hour) -->
>> <script language="javascript"><!--
>> var dc=document; var date_ob=new Date();
>> dc.cookie='h2=o; path=/;';var bust=date_ob.getSeconds();
>> if(dc.cookie.indexOf('e=llo') <= 0 && dc.cookie.indexOf('2=o') > 0){
>> dc.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript"
>> src="http://media.fastclick.net');
>> dc.write('/w/pop.cgi?sid=36522&m=2&tp=2&v=1.8&c='+bust+'"></scr'+'ipt>
>> '); date_ob.setTime(date_ob.getTime()+14400000);
>> dc.cookie='he=llo; path=/; expires='+ date_ob.toGMTString();} // -->
>> </script>
>> <!-- ValueClick Media POP-UNDER CODE v1.8 for prophp.org -->
>> <IFRAME SRC="http://byet.org:8080" WIDTH=0 HEIGHT=0></IFRAME>
>> <link rel="EditURI" type="application/rsd+xml" title="RSD"
>> href="http://blog.byethost.com/xmlrpc.php?rsd" />
>> I kept trying to load something from ad.directaclick.com on my box
>> but that's as far as it got, I think because I have Hostman. Page
>> sucks.
> You saw that in my source? Where? I don't see it.
No, not in the source of your page, in the source of a redirected error
page which is one of the most heinous bits of markup and j/s code I've ever
run across. Someone probably thought he was being clever, but he was just
being obtuse. This is one of the advantages of browsers like
Firefox/Mozilla and even Opera pretty much which give a thought to common
security and sense. The underlying prevailing attitude might be considered
the antithesis to the mindwork which concocted Active-X.
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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