Posted by Shelly on 11/20/07 21:45
Bone Ur wrote:
> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Tue, 20 Nov 2007
> 19:45:37 GMT Shelly scribed:
>>> If you can give a URL, someone else might see/know what is happening
>>> and give you a solution.
>> I did in the first post (not this thread). It is
>> www.festivalnetwork.com/events.php Do it in IE6. There is no
>> problem in IE7 and FF. To make it happen more quickly, expand the
>> Events by Region by clicking on it. This happens with top level and
>> sub menus. Just move the mouse up and down over the menu quickly.
> I did this with some css in your stylesheet:
> #SideLink a:hover {
> color: #FFFFFF;
> text-decoration:none;
> XXpadding: 3px 0 0 0;
> text-align:left;
> text-indent: 5px;
> }
> (Notice the XX - a temp. negation) and it stopped flickering on a
> downloaded copy.
Awesome!!!! I thank you ever so much. I put it in exactly as you have it
above. Can you please explain in a little more detail (for my education)
just what putting XX in front does?
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