Posted by Bergamot on 11/20/07 23:17
hzgt9b wrote:
> <table style="font-size:14pt;text-align:left;" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
> border="0" cellspacing="0">
A lovely mix of HTML presentational attritubes and inline styles - not.
> <tr><td colspan="3"><img src="Images/assetHeader.jpg" style="width:
> 802px" /><br /><span id="lblHeader"
> style="position:relative;top:-47%;left:7%;
<shudder> I don't even want to know what that relative positioning is
supposed to be doing. It can't possibly be The Right Thing to do.
> font-
> style:italic;color:#FFFFFF;font-family:Tahoma;font-size:40pt;">THIS IS
> MY HEADER TEXT</span></td></tr>
If that's a table header, why isn't it in a caption element?
This is getting uglier by the minute.
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