Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 11/22/07 19:34
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
> Jonathan N. Little wrote:
>> PHP_SELF xss vulnerability - Google Search
> Most of the remarks there seem to refer to Wordpress. Is that the only
> place the vulnerability exists?
> One page said to append: /"><script>alert(1)</script>
> to your URL. "If you receive a JavaScript popup your template is
> vulnerable to this attack." None of my sites return a popup. Should I
> worry? (No Wordpress in use.)
No, it is PHP specific. But is also depends on the server security
settings and magic-quotes. But if you use SCRIPT_NAME you will only get
the script name and not anything trailing as with PHP_SELF. That way is
some other clever bastard finds away around the escaping of the trailing
bits it would matter because SCRIPT_NAME doesn't parse it...
Take care,
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