Posted by Bone Ur on 11/23/07 02:13
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 19:29:28
GMT Jonathan N. Little scribed:
>>>> Firefox is my default browser, and I like it best. It does have
>>>> some flaws - they all do - but for me, the "user experience" <grin>
>>>> is the most pleasing of the lot. Furthermore, get this. I tried
>>>> ie7 a bit after it came out. True, it supports "the standards"
>>>> considerably better than does ie6, but I still switched right back
>>>> to 6 because of the other stuff they "neglected" (-like the crappy
>>>> toolbar,
>>> "crappy toolbar"? What do you mean, vs IE6? II personally don't like
>>> the FF default and the first thing I do is drag off the Google
>>> Search box to clear some space for the Webdeveloper's Bar toggle
>>> button and at the Enhanced History Manager and Enhanced Bookmark
>>> Search buttons. Not sure what IE6 has that was so handy.
>> It's what it doesn't have. I trim my ie6 toolbar down to 1 line as I
>> do in Firefox, but ie6 takes the prize as being the thinnest, thereby
>> maximizing content space.
> So you mean IE6 has a thinner toolbar than FF? Not with mine, even
> with small icons and no text IE6's toolbar is taller than FF's. Maybe
> it is the theme that you are using. I am currently using Cute 3.3.1.
> Do you have Use small icons and show icons (only) in customize for the
> toolbar?
You're absolutely right! Both these my browsers have only a single "bar";
I moved the lower stuff up. Thought it rather strange in FF that there
then was a thinner but distinct lower blank "bar" where some stuff used to
be. I didn't realize I could de-activate what they call the "navigation
toolbar" without adverse affect (-until I checked after reading your
message.) (Ie's automatically vanishes.) Now Firefox has the skinniest
"bar" and most client-height (its statusbar is also squatter.) However...
My home page is basically a list exceeding the viewport height by about 50%
at "normal" font-size and full extension. I've noticed in the past that
Firefox seems to add an extra pixel to the line-height in any page compared
to ie and Opera. Ergo, although I have more viewport-height, there still
is (very slightly) less of the "list" visible. I say we sue.
>> You may be able to add crap in ie7, but
>> removing it is a different matter. And, btw, what's with the
>> "misplaced" refresh button? -Another "wonderful" MS innovation?
> Oh yeah! IE7 sucks! You can't even drag the refresh button in front of
> the address bar, Big Bill must have made the decree! And this new UI
> crap, the little helper buttons way over on the right but someone
> decided to hide "Help" off-screen! (Not I need it but do you think
> that is a great idea for newbies?)
> Damn Apple! Yeah I blame Macs, I think MS started believing those "MAC
> PC" commercials and started putting priority on eye-candy over
> functionality and efficiency!
Yup. I had the same thought awhile back - part of the reason for my
skepticism of MS's fundamental intelligence.
>>>> no ftp, and more minor but
>>>> irritating imperfections.)
>>> No FTP? Of course because most folks won't need it and FF basic
>>> strategy is an "a-la-cart" browser and you are suppose to add what
>>> you wish via extensions:
>>> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search?q=FTP&status=4
>>> Search Add-ons :: Firefox Add-ons
>>> I think FireFTP the better extension, there is even an extension to
>>> add a toolbar button for it.
>> I was comparing ie6 to ie7, not either to Firefox. FF is my main
>> browser, but I still use ie6 for various functions not limited to
>> testing. The drag-and-drop folder-view ftp is great.
> What other way is there?
Well, this works exactly like having 2 folders open on the desktop (except
'move' becomes 'copy'). The handful of other ftp clients I've tried
definitely didn't work that way. You sometimes had to select shit and
sometimes even label files as text or binary, then hit "execute" or
whatever. I prefer the OS way.
>> Agreed. I use SeaMonkey, too, but wish Mozilla would update its
>> "preferences" addressing to the "tools" menu item where it belongs.
>> Also, I like Opera's "Quick Preferences" idea for on-the-fly changes
>> (but it _does_ have some issues elsewhere.)
> Legacy, you know that on Linux in Firefox's setting are under "Edit >
> Preferences" too.
Well, I s'pose it's what you get used to. The SeaMonkey/Mozilla thing
though just seems out of place to me.
>>> The most irritating
>>> is the inability to drag a URL to another browser, nor receive one
>>> from another browser. Even as uncooperative as MS can be I can drag
>>> a URL from Firefox to IE from IE to SeaMonkey or to Netscape and
>>> back. While developing I will have several browsers open and Opera
>>> just refuses to play ball. Yes, I can select and copy the address
>>> and paste it into the address bar, or drag the URL to the desktop
>>> and then drag the shortcut to Opera, but not browser to browser.
>>> Dang it all other browser can do it, what's up with Opera?
>> Well, I actually never tried that. Ya sure you're not just being
>> doraymeish in your expectations? True, if it can be done with other
>> browsers, it probably should be available in Opera, but it's such a
>> trifling little thing one would expect to be out of the realm of
>> things which can make a grown man cry...
> Well I did say is was small, but irritating because it is something
> that I do often. I'll have server different browsers open when I am
> finalizing a design and it is just so ease to drag and drop the
> current page to test and compare...
Yeah, and honestly, it makes a difference. That's basically my whole
argument about ie6's ftp option.
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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