Posted by Mika on 11/26/07 08:31
"rf" <rf@invalid.com> wrote in message
> Slow load time is correct. 1.21 minutes. This is simply stupid and no, I
> don't have a slow connection, it is a 10 megabit per second cable
> connection.
One person in Australia has a load time of 6 seconds over a 0.5Mb/s
connection, and you have 1.21 minutes. Our site is designed and focused for
UK users who don't have this inconsistency, however if there is a way to
reduce international server delays to our UK server please do let us know.
> Now, the initial impact: Google ads all over the place. What look like ads
> elsewhere, especially in the very important banner area. A bunch of images
> of what look like shops. Ah, the "streetscape" that has been mentioned.
> The first "shop" takes me four scroll right's to get past and the "image"
> is so repetitive that it looks like a bad job of copy/paste.
If you visited this street you would know that shop is famous in the area
and a big department store. And no it isn't copy and paste. It is what
people landing there would want to see. We don't ask you to understand
> I didn't bother to go any further.
> Nowhere on the page is there any indication of what the site is actually
> about.
That is because you came in via a thread that directed you past the home
page. Try clicking the logo at the top and you'll find the home page, which
explains incredibly simply what the site is about. We did NOT ask for
critiques from people in the wrong country landing at the wrong page.
*Sigh* We asked 'does it work in Firefox' as 1 user claimed it did not with
JS enabled, which nobody has been able to recreate.
> I tried reading the fine print (which looks just like another add) until I
> came across a "click here" directive. Apart from being silly, what if I
> don't use a mouse? Tab never gets to that link. Accessibility problem.
The site is designed for a mouse and would be unusable without. Sorry but
we are catering for a majority here as it is very specific.
> In any case "clicking here" simply jumps the page down a couple of inches.
> Very informative, not.
It centres the streetscape div in the page for the best view, as testing
showed people did not.
> Ok, hover over one of the images. A tooltip appears: "See street usage
> guide above". Alright, scroll back up... What "street usage guide". I see
> nothing
Where is the usage guide?... It's the very obvious icon of a guidebook and
help symbol on it. We will consider renaming the tooltip to 'See blue book
with yellow help symbol above.
> What on earth does the <title> mean? <view source> Ah, keyword stuffing.
> The
At the advice of someone here, we amended the title to 60 characters. Our
Google hits fell through the floor. We put it back as this is a hobby to
make money, not please programmers who are the only ones that would even
know what <title> is.
> Why is the font specified as 14 pixels?
Because that is a valid option in HTML, and enlarging the font causes issues
with a precisely designed page.
> Why does the copyright stuff (Imagery (c) 2007) sit right over the top of
> the, sometimes white, images so I can't read it? An unreadable copyright
> notice is not a copyright notice at all.
It doesn't unless you right-click. It is just a right-click disable popup.
> Why does my default hot pink background show through?
Because you chose it. We tried changing the body tag to FFFFFF but it
caused CSS validation errors that some text was the same colour as the
background. If you want hot pink, have hot pink!
> The <squint> "designed for" </squing> stuff at the bottom is illegible, as
> is the <squint> "welcome to..." </squing> stuff at the top. 9 pixels is
> not a font size for use on computer screens.
That is called small print. You'll find it a lot in life. Would you prefer
it larger, talking about our copyrights? No.
> Ah, is that illegible stuff at the top telling me what the site is about?
> <Ctrl mouse wheel *several* times>... Ah, I see it just might be. But now
> that I have enlarged my font size sufficiently to view this the rest of
> the page totally breaks.
No, the home page is what the site is about! Gosh it's a wonder how you get
through life! Quite a struggle you've made out of this :P
> Final impression: Hit the back button and go to somewhere that makes it
> easy for me to shop online.
I think we can safely say the site is not designed or aimed at you.
The question was "Does it work in Firefox". Thanks for confirming it does.
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