Posted by NC on 11/26/07 19:54
On Nov 25, 5:02 pm, richard <s...@google.dom> wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Nov 2007 14:29:13 -0800 (PST), NC wrote:
> > On Nov 25, 2:00 pm, eswa <e...@email.it> wrote:
> > > How can I write a php code that when it is include in a html
> > > page it create a menu link automatically, reading from a main
> > > folder its subfolder and html files?
> > You can't include PHP code into an HTML page.
> No? suggest you read up on php. PHP is somewhat like javascript
> in that it is incorporated into the html coding, except that you,
> the user, is not aware that it is there.
I think you should follow your own suggestion: read up on PHP. PHP is
nothing like JavaScript; JavaScript is executed client-side, PHP,
server-side. By default, PHP code is only executed if it is located
inside a *.php file. You can configure your server to treat *.html
files as if they were *.php files, but this would preclude you from
using other server-side options available for use in HTML files, such
as SSI.
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