Posted by Erwin Moller on 11/27/07 11:20
JahMic wrote:
> On Nov 27, 7:14 pm, Erwin Moller
> <Since_humans_read_this_I_am_spammed_too_m...@spamyourself.com> wrote:
>> JahMic wrote:
>>> I'm having a problem with exec on my hosting server. Unfortunately,
>>> the hosting support seems to be anything but helpful.
>>> The following works fine on my localhost:
>>> <?php
>>> $MaskData = "mask.exe -e \"TestString\"";
>>> $Result = exec($MaskData, $Output, $ReturnValue);
>>> echo("Result: ".$Result);
>>> echo("ReturnValue: ".$ReturnValue."<br/>");
>>> foreach($Output as $outputline)
>>> {
>>> echo("outputline: $outputline<br>");
>>> }
>>> ?>
>>> But on my hosting server, I've installed (I believe) the properly
>>> compiled version for that os, and it always returns 127. I don't have
>>> shell access, so I'm a bit of loss on how to proceed. Any
>>> information on this return code or how to work through this, would be
>>> greatly appreciated.
>>> Thanks, J
>> Hi J,
>> If you cannot execute in a shell, do a phpinfo(), and find the following
>> settings:
>> safe_mode = On or Off
>> and
>> safe_mode_exec_dir =
>> Is safe_mode maybe On, and is your mask.exe not listed in
>> safe_mode_exec_dir?
>> If so, you know why you cannot execute mask.exe.
>> Read more here:http://nl3.php.net/manual/en/function.phpinfo.php
>> Bottomline: Talk with your hosting provider. If they do not cooperate,
>> switch hosting provider or do not use mask.exe.
>> Regards,
>> Erwin Moller
> Hi Erwin,
> Thanks for the quick reply. safe mode is actually off.
> application is in the same directory as the scripts. If I change
> $MaskData = "mask.exe -e \"TestString\""; to $MaskData = "./mask.exe -
> e \"TestString\""; (the addition of ./) the value of $ReturnValue is 1
> and no values for $Result and $output. (Output should be a long
> string).
Ok, the $ReturnValue says 1, so I expect that the command DID run
Very strange your $Output array is empty.
Of course, what you want now is run the command by hand in a shell as
user PHP, being on Apache: Apache, or nobody or www-data, or
IUSR_<machinename> on IIS.
But you cannot.
So you'll have to debug by guessing.
Does the mask.exe has execution rights for PHP-user?
Do you maybe use files in mask.exe that are not accecible by PHP?
Throw in a full path to mask.exe instead of ./
Check your slashes, etc.
Try passthru() instead of exec().
And last but not least, insult the supportdepartment of your hosting
provider. ;-)
Good luck.
Erwin Moller
> A hosting provider switch is likely, but this is an immediate issue
> that I need to get taken care. Once again, any help is much
> appreciated.
> Thanks, J
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