Posted by Manish on 11/27/07 21:19
I think this question has been asked number of times. However, I am
looking for some specific information. Perhaps some of you can help
close the gap. Or perhaps you can point me towards right direction.
Perhaps this group can help me fill in ms-sqlserver related following
1. Do this database have data Clustering capabilities?
1a. If yes, what mechanism is used such as shared disk, share nothing,
2. Do these dB have Security features?
2a. If yes, what security features are supported? For instance do they
support encryption or SSL connection?
3. How does the database perform and what is the criteria for the
performance matrix?
4. Do they have inbuilt load balance capabilities?
I want to thank everyone for taking your time to read this
correspondence. I will also greatly appreciate your efforts in sharing
your thoughts.
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