Posted by UKuser on 11/29/07 16:45
I have the following script which I'm using to verify that websites
exist. However in either FF or IE it only runs for about 60 seconds.
I've changed what ini settings I think affect it, but to no avail. Can
you tell me how to make it run for longer. I could have quite a few
hundred sites and I simply want to make sure they return OK.
The code will work as is but you'll see it probably won't do quite a
long list. (stops at about 10).
if (!(isset($_POST['sites']))){
print "<form method=\"post\" action=\"test2.php\"><textarea name=
\"sites\" rows=25 cols=25></textarea><input type=\"submit\"></form>";
} else {
$sites = split("\r\n",$_POST['sites']);
foreach ($sites as $path){
$http_response_header = array(); // clear arrays in case previous
data still held
$file = array();
$file = @file_get_contents("http://$path");
if (!(is_numeric(strpos($http_response_header[0],"OK")))){ //
Is the website NOT ok
if (is_numeric(strpos($http_response_header[0],"30"))){ //
Has it been redirected?
foreach ($http_response_header as $k=>$value){
$value = str_replace("Content-Location","",$value); //
Strip out the Content tags which confuse issues
if (is_numeric(strpos($value,"Location"))){ //
If this one carries the location - use it
$value = str_replace("Location: ","",$value);
$http_response_header = array();
$file2 = @file_get_contents($value); // Connect
to the forwarded site just to check
if (!(is_numeric(strpos($http_response_header[0],"OK"))))
print "$path <b>IS NOW</b> $value<br>";
} else {
print "$value redirected but is DEAD<br>";
} else {
print "$path is not live<br>";
} else {
print "$path is ok<br>";
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